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Posts Tagged ‘Titan SPEE3D’

SPEE3D Unveils Titan SPEE3D: A New Era in Large-Format Metal 3D Printing

Monday, June 24th, 2024

In a recent interview with Sanjay Gangal of MCADCafe, Byron Kennedy, CEO of SPEE3D, shared exciting developments about the company’s latest innovation: the Titan SPEE3D. This large-format metal 3D printer represents a significant leap forward in SPEE3D’s cold spray additive manufacturing technology, enabling the production of much larger and heavier metal parts than previously possible.

Titan SPEE3D: Scaling Up Cold Spray Technology

The Titan SPEE3D is a groundbreaking addition to SPEE3D’s product lineup, designed to address the increasing demand for larger and more robust metal parts. According to Kennedy, the new printer can produce parts weighing up to 5,000 kilograms and measuring up to 2.5 meters, making it suitable for applications in the maritime and defense sectors. This development is a direct response to customer requests for the ability to manufacture larger components, such as those needed for ships and submarines.

“Our new printer, Titan SPEE3D, has just been released this week,” said Kennedy. “It uses our cold spray deposition technology and is now scaling up. To date, we’ve been building parts up to luggage size, but the new system allows us to create much larger parts, some weighing up to 5,000 kilograms.”


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