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Archive for March, 2017

Hello, my name is Fusion 360

Tuesday, March 14th, 2017

Fusion 360.  What is it?  Why should I care?  Also, wasn’t it in Inventor like 5 years ago?  Doesn’t it have something to do with the cloud?

You have questions. We’re here to help.

Fusion 360 is already a powerful product development tool.  With a short development and release cycle, the product changes 10x faster than traditional CAD platforms.  Have an idea?  Let them know!  Autodesk is building this new platform from the ground up for the next generation of CAD, and using your input to make it better for you.


With Fusion 360 You Can … Predict The Future?

Tuesday, March 14th, 2017

If you haven’t opened Fusion 360 for a few days, you may be missing out on the latest huge update in Fusion 360!  It came to us on March 1st.

Just earlier that day I hosted a webinar on Fusion & traditional CAD (which you can watch here).  Now, I’m not exactly claiming that it was prophetic, but there is proof to be found that I discussed some things in the webinar specifically that were out of date just hours later…  The crazy fast update cadence of Fusion 360 is one of my favorite parts of the whole platform.  Can I really tell the future, or does Fusion 360 just update that fast?  I’ll let you decide.

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