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Archive for May, 2014

The Dell Precision M2800 Mobile Workstation is Available to Help Inspire Innovation for Design Professionals and Students

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

The evolution of digital content creation has unleashed the productivity of engineers, designers, creative professionals and students everywhere, but it has also set corresponding expectations incredibly high for that productivity as well, making it crucial for those individuals to use the proper tools to help their visions to come to life. Professional and aspiring engineers and designers cannot do their job these days without specialized applications for 3D modeling, digital content creation, and computer aided engineering and design such as Adobe Creative Cloud and AutoCAD. The problem is, for some, they’re being forced to run these applications on notebooks or desktops that don’t have enough power to generate the performance they need because they can’t afford a traditional workstation.

Dell Precision M2800

Dell Precision M2800

If small businesses or individuals can’t afford the tools larger organizations normally can to run the demanding applications they need to do their job, these same students and design professionals are often forced to work around the clock to complete these projects within their stated deadlines while staying competitive. Making these kinds of compromises not only has the potential to negatively affect the quality of work these customers are able to produce, but it can also negatively and unnecessarily affect their quality of life as well.  Enabling organizations with the right tool can help them complete their project within their stated deadlines while staying competitive. (more…)

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