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 MCADCafe Editorial
Sanjay Gangal
Sanjay Gangal
Sanjay Gangal is the President of IBSystems, the parent company of, MCADCafe, EDACafe.Com, GISCafe.Com, and ShareCG.Com.

Navigating the Evolution of Additive Manufacturing: Insights from the 2024 RAPID+TCT Executive Panel

June 27th, 2024 by Sanjay Gangal

As the 2024 RAPID+TCT event unfolded, industry leaders gathered to discuss the current landscape and future prospects of additive manufacturing (AM). The panel, comprising Avi Reichental (Nexa3D), Fried Vancraen (Materialise), Savi Baveja (HP), Nils Niemeyer (DMG MORI), and moderated by Laura Griffiths (The TCT Group), offered a candid look at the challenges and opportunities facing this dynamic sector.

The Promise and Reality of Additive Manufacturing

The session opened with a shared sense of optimism tempered by realism. The panelists agreed that while AM has made significant strides, it remains a technology marked by both remarkable achievements and ongoing hurdles.

Avi Reichental highlighted the transformative potential of AM, especially in fields like healthcare and aerospace. He cited examples such as the deployment of additive manufacturing systems in conflict zones, showcasing the technology’s ability to provide on-demand solutions in critical situations. However, Reichental also emphasized the need for the industry to shift from selling capabilities to delivering scalable solutions.

Fried Vancraen echoed these sentiments, pointing out that while AM has revolutionized certain sectors, it has not been an overnight success. Vancraen’s experience with Materialise, a company founded in 1990, underscores the slow and steady progress required to integrate AM into mainstream manufacturing. He noted that the industry must focus on creating real value and moving beyond the initial hype.

Read the rest of Navigating the Evolution of Additive Manufacturing: Insights from the 2024 RAPID+TCT Executive Panel

Altair Enhances Aerodynamics Capabilities with Acquisition of Research in Flight

May 3rd, 2024 by Sanjay Gangal

In a move that significantly bolsters its aerodynamic analysis offerings, Altair has acquired Research in Flight, the developer of the groundbreaking FlightStream® software. This strategic acquisition integrates FlightStream®, known for its exceptional capabilities in the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) arena, into Altair’s extensive suite of simulation tools, marking a pivotal advancement in aerodynamic research and applications across multiple sectors.

Altair acquired Research in Flight, forging a new path for aerodynamic analysis and pushing the the boundaries of modern computational techniques

“Our growth in the aerospace, defense, and surrounding industries has accelerated in recent years through our best-in-class computational intelligence solutions,” said James R. Scapa, founder and chief executive officer, Altair. “The integration of FlightStream® into our portfolio will enhance our offering with its specialized, modern, and efficient approach to meet the increasingly complex customer demands in these industries, including the urban air mobility and eVTOL sectors.”

FlightStream® is recognized for its cutting-edge panel methods aerodynamic solver which allows for a comprehensive analysis of flow problems across a diverse range of applications. With a modernized graphical user interface, the software enables engineers to navigate complex aerodynamic challenges efficiently. It includes specialized toolboxes like Solver Sweeper, Stability & Control, and API scripting, enhancing its capability to rapidly estimate aircraft performance and conduct extensive aerodynamic studies.

“We are proud to be a standard tool in the aircraft designer’s toolbox,” said Vivek Ahuja, co-founder, Research in Flight. “Joining Altair will allow us to scale and reach countless engineers seeking best-in-class, powerful, and specialized tools for faster design iterations.”

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Innovations and Partnerships Fuel Progress: Weekly Roundup in MCAD and 3D Printing Industries

April 5th, 2024 by Sanjay Gangal

This week in the MCAD and 3D printing industries, we’ve seen groundbreaking collaborations, strategic investments, and innovative advancements across various sectors, signaling a vibrant period of growth and technological evolution. From SIGGRAPH 2024’s return to Colorado, highlighting IT industry growth and advancements in computer graphics, to strategic partnerships like ESI Group and FAW-Volkswagen, and significant financial achievements reported by PyroGenesis, the landscape is rapidly evolving. Moreover, OpenBOM’s operational enhancements at TTM Technologies, RAPID + TCT 2024’s upcoming event in Los Angeles, and NUBURU’s secured investment for blue laser technology development exemplify the dynamic progress and potential within these fields.

The Exploration Company is revolutionizing sustainable space exploration with Ansys simulation solutions to develop Nyx, a modular and reusable space vehicle. Focused on a methane-based propulsion system, Nyx aims for missions around Earth and to the Moon, showcasing a leap in eco-friendly space travel. Ansys tools like Fluent and Mechanical are pivotal in optimizing Nyx’s engine designs for performance and durability, highlighting Ansys’s role in bridging the gap between visionary concepts and real-world space applications.

RAPID + TCT 2024, North America’s premier additive manufacturing event, is returning to the West Coast with a range of new features and experiences. Set in Los Angeles, the event will showcase the latest advancements from over 400 solution providers in the additive manufacturing industry. Attendees can expect a curated program of talks, presentations, and workshops, highlighting the event’s commitment to fostering innovation in 3D printing.

SIGGRAPH 2024 is set to return to Denver, Colorado, marking a nod to the state’s burgeoning IT industry. The conference, known for pushing the boundaries of computer graphics and interactive techniques, will feature programs across arts, design, and technology. The choice of Colorado reflects its significant role in IT and the event’s origins, inviting professionals to explore the latest innovations in the field.

ESI Group and FAW-Volkswagen have entered a strategic partnership aimed at advancing automotive simulation technology. This collaboration will focus on meeting China’s automotive safety regulations and fostering industry innovation. A new joint laboratory for material testing and intelligent simulation signifies a major step in automotive research and development, potentially leading to cleaner, safer, and more productive future automotive technologies.

PyroGenesis Canada Inc. announces its financial results for 2023’s fourth quarter and the fiscal year, highlighting its role in reducing greenhouse gases through advanced plasma processes. Despite facing economic challenges, the company has positioned itself as a leader in decarbonization solutions for heavy industries, with a robust sales pipeline and a focus on technological commercialization. This strategy underpins its optimistic outlook for future growth.

Read the rest of Innovations and Partnerships Fuel Progress: Weekly Roundup in MCAD and 3D Printing Industries

Altair’s Vision for Future Engineering: A Holistic Approach to Innovation

March 8th, 2024 by Sanjay Gangal

In a virtual presentation at Altair’s Future.Industry 2024 event, Sam Mahalingam, the Chief Technology Officer, delved into the platform-centric approach that Altair offers to expedite customers’ digital engineering journey. Mahalingam emphasized the transformative potential of computational intelligence in fostering a connected, safer, and sustainable future.

Sam Mahalingam, CTO

Empowering Digital Transformation

Altair’s commitment to advancing digital transformation through computational intelligence is evident in its platform-centric approach. By harnessing the power of autonomous artificial intelligence and automation, Altair seeks to revolutionize various industries, including aerospace, automotive, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing.

Mahalingam highlighted the significance of autonomy, defining it as augmented intelligence, continuous learning, and self-optimization. This approach underscores Altair’s vision of democratizing powerful technologies, such as simulation, high-performance computing, and AI, to empower organizations with the tools needed to drive innovation and make data-driven decisions.

HyperWorks: Redefining Engineering

HyperWorks stands out for its ability to address a wide array of engineering challenges within a single, unified platform. Mahalingam emphasized its versatility, enabling users to tackle complex problems spanning multiple disciplines such as structures, motions, fluids, electromagnetics, and electronics.

With HyperWorks, engineers can seamlessly transition between different phases of the design and simulation process, streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity. Its intuitive interface and comprehensive suite of tools empower users to explore new ideas, iterate on designs, and optimize performance with unparalleled efficiency.

What sets HyperWorks apart is its integration of AI solutions and advanced visualization techniques. Mahalingam highlighted how AI algorithms embedded within HyperWorks enable users to achieve unprecedented results, driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in engineering design.

Moreover, HyperWorks’ true-to-life visualization capabilities provide users with valuable insights for informed decision-making. By leveraging AI-driven visualization, engineers can gain deeper understanding of their designs, identify potential issues, and explore alternative solutions with greater confidence.

Mahalingam underscored HyperWorks’ commitment to interoperability and open architecture, allowing seamless integration with existing workflows and third-party applications. This flexibility enables users to leverage their preferred tools and methodologies while harnessing the power of HyperWorks for advanced simulation and design tasks.

The platform’s open architecture also facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing within and across organizations. Engineers can easily collaborate on projects, share simulation models, and leverage collective expertise to drive innovation and solve complex engineering challenges more effectively.

Mahalingam emphasized that HyperWorks is not just a software platform—it’s a catalyst for innovation and success in engineering. With its unparalleled capabilities, intuitive interface, and commitment to interoperability, HyperWorks empowers engineers to push the boundaries of what’s possible, driving breakthroughs and shaping the future of engineering.

Read the rest of Altair’s Vision for Future Engineering: A Holistic Approach to Innovation

Revolutionizing Design and Innovation: Highlights from the 3DEXPERIENCE World

February 16th, 2024 by Sanjay Gangal

The 3DEXPERIENCE World, a gathering that annually brings together the brightest minds in design and engineering, once again showcased groundbreaking innovations and transformative stories from various industries. This year’s event was no exception, offering a treasure trove of insights into how SOLIDWORKS capabilities are being leveraged to push the boundaries of creativity, efficiency, and problem-solving. Here are some of the standout moments and key takeaways from the event.

A New Horizon: The Narrative of Solidworks CEO, Manish Kumar’s Vision at the 3DEXPERIENCE World

On a stage illuminated by the eager anticipation of innovators, designers, and visionaries, Manish Kumar stood poised to address the gathering at 3DEXPERIENCE World. With a calm demeanor reflective of his profound insights into the future of technology, Kumar embarked on a journey to outline a new horizon for businesses and creators alike.

Manish Kumar, Solidworks, CEO

The auditorium, buzzing with the collective curiosity of its attendees, fell into a hushed silence as Kumar began his narrative. He spoke of a future not far from reach, where businesses transcend the traditional confines of product delivery to offer rich, immersive experiences. This vision, he proposed, was not merely an aspiration but a necessity in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. The essence of adaptation, Kumar emphasized, lay in embracing change and leveraging technological advancements to redefine innovation.

As the narrative unfolded, Kumar introduced the audience to the story of Proteus Motion, a beacon of innovation that embodied the transformative power of the 3DExperience platform. Proteus Motion, with its groundbreaking sports science equipment, had revolutionized athlete training and testing, condensing the capabilities of a full-scale lab into a singular, ingenious device. Kumar detailed how the seamless collaboration, design efficiency, and rapid iteration facilitated by the platform had propelled Proteus Motion to the forefront of its field. This tale of success served not only as a testament to the platform’s capabilities but as an inspiration for the potential within every innovator in the room. (More on the Proteus Motion Story is covered later in this article).

The journey continued with Kumar exploring the uncharted territories of design and innovation shaped by Artificial Intelligence (AI). With vivid examples, he painted a future where AI-driven initiatives, from virtual twins of homes to AI-generated furnishing proposals, streamline the creative process, inspire new ideas, and expedite decision-making. Kumar’s discourse on AI as a catalyst for design excellence highlighted its critical role in navigating the complexities of modern-day innovation.

Read the rest of Revolutionizing Design and Innovation: Highlights from the 3DEXPERIENCE World

MCADCafe Industry Predictions for 2024 – Meltio

January 6th, 2024 by Sanjay Gangal

By Angel Llavero López de Villalta, CEO at Meltio

At Meltio we will continue to innovate and solve metal additive manufacturing needs of the global industrial sector. Our unique wire-laser metal 3D printing technology is reliable and is changing the manufacturing paradigm with respect to traditional techniques: it allows to manufacture and repair metal parts in an industrial environment 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, making the creation of metal parts a reality, reducing manufacturing costs and providing competitiveness.

For Meltio, the year 2023 is being a year of consolidation at a technological level in terms of strengthening our commercial network and our distribution channel worldwide. We have expanded the facilities of our Meltio factory in Linares (Jaén) to develop new metal AM solutions and industrial applications, we have expanded our production capacity, we have acquired new land to further expand our factory in Linares, we have rented new spaces to expand our R&D capacity to launch in the market new wire-laser metal 3D printing products and we aim to expand our production capabilities and to certify our technological applications in all the industrial sectors in which we are involved. With this technological consolidation, we will be able to secure new contracts with our industrial customers. The year 2024 for us is going to be a very exciting year in which we are leaving behind our pre-adolescence.

Read the rest of MCADCafe Industry Predictions for 2024 – Meltio

MCADCafe Industry Predictions for 2024 – Materialise

January 4th, 2024 by Sanjay Gangal

By Bart Van der Schueren, Chief Strategy and Technology Officer (CSTO) at Materialise.

Bart Van der Schueren,

3D Printing Trends For 2024: Shaping the Future of Manufacturing

As we stand on the brink of 2024, Materialise reflects on the dynamic landscape of 3D printing, anticipating not just growth, but a fundamental shift in adoption patterns. In the coming year, we predict four key trends – or shifts – that will redefine the industry.

Trend 1: 3D Printing – Fast Friend or Part of the Family?

In the realm of 3D printing, we’re witnessing a dual evolution—two approaches coexisting harmoniously. The first approach, “3D Printing as a Service,” embraces external expertise, offering swift and cost-effective solutions for one-off parts and prototypes through service bureaus. Simultaneously, the second approach sees 3D printing seamlessly integrated into production processes, revolutionizing mass manufacturing. Companies now recognize its intrinsic value and leverage it to print specific components for larger series of end-use parts or engage in the mass production of customized goods.

This dual approach marks a departure from the traditional role of 3D printing, transforming it from a peripheral player to an integral part of the production orchestra. At the same time, the demand for application-specific machines and workflows is driving innovation across the entire spectrum, from hardware to post-processing and software.

Read the rest of MCADCafe Industry Predictions for 2024 – Materialise

MCADCafe Industry Predictions for 2024 – Recogni

December 15th, 2023 by Sanjay Gangal

By RK Anand, Co-founder and CTO at Recogni.

RK Anand

Reducing Power Consumption is a Top Priority Across All Industries

Whether we’re talking about electric vehicles or data centers, there is consensus that power consumption is skyrocketing and will only continue to get worse, especially with the increased use of AI. There will be a strong focus, and investment, on technologies and processes that can reduce power consumption and utilize energy more efficiently. Everything from massive compute architectural innovations, high performance power-optimized silicon, to new materials and creative cooling approaches are going to be key to enable an AI-first world

Generative AI Performance Set New “Standard” for Speed

Not only is the quality of generative AI output at a relentless pace of improvement, but the speed at which the results are delivered are unprecedented. As businesses and consumers alike come to expect this kind of speed with results, this same speed of progress will be expected of other industries and technologies – like factory automation, automated farming, accelerated construction and autonomous vehicles. There will be an expectation that any ADAS or self-driving feature (regardless of SAE Level) will perform nearly instantaneously and flawlessly. This means that there will be little room for error to regain public trust in self-driving technology, especially given the recent debacle with Cruise in San Francisco. There will be no room for “hallucinating” or “phantom breaking” – the technology has to be 99.999999% perfect, which means fast, accurate and power efficient.

Self-Driving Will be 100% AI-Based

The rate of progress in AI is unrelentless and we are seeing the quality of results with generative AI, especially with larger and larger models, is getting better. There are indicators for autonomous driving that it is within the realm of possibility, in the next three to four years, that the end-to-end method for driving autonomously will be fully AI based. Right now, the front end is detecting objects, lanes, etc. and using AI to make determinations, whereas the rest of the driving path (prediction, path planning, controls, etc.) is a more traditional standard computing approach. There are now indicators that in end-to-end AI based systems – one could potentially go from sensory input, full comprehension to vehicle level control actions. The critical element here will be to validate such systems, get to the point of “explainable-AI” and guarantee safety goals. This makes the full end-to-end driving loop fully AI-based. Of course this means that workloads will increase (i.e., a large model that could typically be run in the cloud will now have to run locally in a self-driving vehicle), which means increased power consumption, and leads us back to our issue around finding solutions to reduce power consumption.

Unlocking the Future of Additive Manufacturing: An In-Depth Conversation with Chris Robinson of Ansys

September 26th, 2023 by Sanjay Gangal

As technological innovation continues to redefine industries, additive manufacturing stands out as a transformative force, particularly in product development and manufacturing. Recognizing the crucial role that simulation software plays in mitigating design challenges and expediting development cycles, we reached out to Chris Robinson, Senior Product Manager at Ansys. Robinson provides an insider’s view into how Ansys is revolutionizing engineering simulation in the additive manufacturing landscape, its diverse toolset for tackling complex manufacturing issues, and what the future holds for this burgeoning sector.

Ansys is not just another tech company; it’s a pioneer in engineering simulation. With a global footprint, the company offers an extensive suite of simulation software that enables businesses to design and test their products digitally. “Think about things like mobile devices to cars to airplanes, and frankly, everything in between,” Robinson elaborated. This approach not only minimizes costs but also significantly reduces the time needed for physical prototyping, a benefit Robinson has personally experienced in his career.

Read the rest of Unlocking the Future of Additive Manufacturing: An In-Depth Conversation with Chris Robinson of Ansys

MCADCafe Industry Predictions for 2023 – VCollab

January 31st, 2023 by Sanjay Gangal

By Prasad Mandava, CEO, Visual Collaboration Technologies (VCollab)

Making Better Design Decisions Using 3D Digital CAE Slides for Simulation Results Processing, Reporting, Reviewing, and Refining Previous Designs

From design through manufacturing, today’s new product development processes are driven by robust digital applications – with one notable exception. For many manufacturers and product development organizations, CAE analysis reporting for design validation and review remains largely a manual 2D process.

Design Engineers, Release Engineers, and other stakeholders rely on feedback from CAE analysis to guide critical product design decisions. This feedback is often in the form of 2D non interactive static documents such as PowerPoint slides, images, or videos. These formats are decades-old and simply not designed to operate in today’s 3D digital environment and limit the opportunity for full realization of benefits from CAE simulations. The consequences are extensive administrative work by costly CAE Analysts, and a lack of insight to guide designers and critical decision-making.

Read the rest of MCADCafe Industry Predictions for 2023 – VCollab

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