Theorem Solutions Katharine Edmonds
Marketing Communications Assistant at Theorem Solutions The benefits of 3D PDF- Free 5 min downloadNovember 4th, 2015 by Katharine Edmonds
Theorem Solutions recently ran a 5 minute presentation on the benefits of 3D PDF. If you missed it you can download it here It’s a little known fact that using interactive 3D PDF documentation improves the quality of internal and external communications. Utilising your existing technology, you can create incredibly rich documents by embedding 3D models into existing PDF files that can be read by anyone with a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone as long as they have access to the ubiquitous Adobe Reader. Using the Adobe toolbar, you can manipulate and view the data in a way that is applicable to you. The 3D PDF has the capability for the document to be annotated and can also act as a ‘carrier’ file for additional data to be transported (such as spreadsheets, AVI Movies, hyperlinks, as well as native CAD data) to create a richer file and source of information. In addition, PDF files containing interactive 3D data provide a higher level of Intellectually Property (IP) security than native CAD files by allowing the documents to be password protected. Native CAD files cannot be password protected, causing IP vulnerabilities when shared or accessed. The simplicity of 3D PDF, its low cost, and ease of use allows for the integration of departments, customers and suppliers into the product lifecycle process which in turn leads to reduced lead times, fewer mistakes and better products. To download the presentation register your details below and receive a link to download it To view the presentation please click here: Tags: 3D PDF, 3D Publishing, Adobe |