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Model-Based Design (MBD): Outside or Inside the Box?

Thursday, February 13th, 2014

Is model-based design a set of standards and processes that stymie creativity and jail engineers Inside the Box? Or does it create a foundation for product design, freeing engineers from the mundane, while gifting them with technology to create products that will push Outside the Box?

The Answer! MBD Standards bolster engineering innovation

If it’s possible to make Harry Potter into Darth Vader using a very prescriptive set of interfaces (LEGO studs and tubes[i]), then setting up interface organization for complicated large systems to fit together should not limit the designer’s creativity.

Using MBE methods and protocols that include prescriptive interfaces

Harry Potter morphs into Darth Potter using only common interfaces.

A properly implemented Model-Based Environment (MBE) provides foundational methods and organization to allow users to function together… and ‘snap’ together their parts. It is the manager’s responsibility to inspire users to comply with the standard, so that the parts integrate together as easily as LEGOs do. (more…)

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