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 Re-Use Your CAD
Jennifer Herron
Jennifer Herron
Jennifer Herron is the owner of Action Engineering, a company that specializes in the promotion, process development, and standardization of a 3D CAD Model-Based Environment. Her career has been spent creating and building complex hardware systems for the aerospace and defense industry, her … More »

Using CAD models in the Digital Thread

October 19th, 2015 by Jennifer Herron

We are operating at a stage in design and manufacturing where 3D models are used for direct tooling, or used to generate injection molds, but still need to be supplemented by 2D drawings for PMI (dimensions, tolerances and notes). In addition to creating extra work, 2D drawings are fundamentally flawed because the interpretation is limited to 2D, rather than real hardware which is 3D.

 We see in 3D, We Should Document in 3D

I realize we have grown accustom to 2D drawings in the workplace, but these orthographic projections of 3D data are limiting both in creation of un-ambiguous product definition and will castrate the performance of high-tech manufacturing processes, such as Additive Manufacturing (AM).

3D Collaboration and the Digital Thread requires all stakelholders to partipate in the descision making process.

3D Collaboration and the Digital Thread requires all stakelholders to partipate in the descision making process.

So… what is on the engineering horizon, and how can you step out of the 2D inertia spiral of death (a little Halloween humor for you)?

Here are three trends I see occurring this year in Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) and Model-Based Definition (MBD), or the Digital Thread:

  1. Conceptually MBE = Digital Thread. I have made over 10 presentations on this subject to various organizations in the past 3 months and have discovered that the term “Digital Thread” is probably more accurate to describe the data throughput, but misses the “Enterprise” functions required to successfully implement the Digital Thread. Call it what you will, the concepts are sound.
  2. Quality and Inspection downstream consumption challenges as well as opportunities are now in the forefront of the MBE conversation. Sometimes, they are discussed as yet another excuse NOT to do MBD and MBE, but if we can get over that, the payoffs will be huge.
  3. The buzz and excitement about Additive Manufacturing (AM) is driving an increased interest in MBD. The reason for this is that “AM is the ONLY manufacturing method that REQUIRES a 3D model.” – Quote from Curtis Brown, Kansas City Plant

Find out more about these exciting topics including challenges, pitfalls, strategies and solutions by attending the upcoming 3D Collaboration and Interoperability Congress.

3D Collaboration and Interoperability Congress

October 29, 2015  

Washington DC (Dulles)

8:00 a.m.  Dr. David Prawel, President, Longview Advisors and Producer of 3D CIC [Bio] – Welcoming Remarks

8:10 a.m.   Bob Deragisch, Director of Engineering & Infrastructure Services, Parker Aerospace [Bio] – Managing Change Using Models in an Ever Changing Supply Chain

8:40 a.m.  Thomas Hedberg, Jr., P.E., Project Co-leader of the NIST Digital Thread for Smart Manufacturing Project, National Institute of Standards and Technology [Bio] – Enabling System-of-Systems PLM with Digital Thread support from Design to Manufacturing, Inspection, and Beyond
Applying Science To MBD/MBE And The Digital Thread

9:10 a.m.   Joed Dougherty, IPDM Program Manager, The Boeing Company, The Boeing Company [Bio] – Communicating a New Way of Doing Business – 3D PDFs the Boeing Way
3D PDFs Support MBD And Non-Technical User Experience

9:40 a.m.   Dennis Jarabak, Information Systems Project Manager, Newport News Shipbuilding [Bio] – Exploring the Advantages of the 3D Product Model to Build Ships
Shipbuilding Using 3D Modeling Without Rocking The Boat

10:40 a.m. Norm Crawford, President, Crawford Dimensional Management [Bio] – Classic Mistakes in MBD – How they Can Impact Early Benefits
Avoid Classic Mistakes When Implementing MBD

11:10 a.m.  Rich Eckenrode, President & Principal Consultant, RECON Services Incorporated [Bio] – How do you rate in MBE?
How to Determine Your Business’ MBE Capability Index

11:40 a.m.  John Schmelzle, Mechanical Engineer, NAVAIR [Bio] – What Does MBD look like for Organic Engineering in the U.S. Navy?
Smooth Sailing Or Rough Waters? Leveraging MBD In The Navy

1:25 p.m.    Ben Kassel, Mechanical Engineer, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division [Bio] – Building the Ship Before the Ship is Built
Model-Based Environment Solutions in the Shipbuilding Industry

1:50 p.m.    Massimiliano (Max) Moruzzi, Advanced Material Manufacturing Evangelist, Autodesk [Bio] – PLM Vignette: Beyond System Modeling: Extending SysML for Goal-driven Generative Design

2:05 p.m.    Fred Constantino, Project Engineering Advisor for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers [Bio] – ASME Y14 Digital Product Definition Standards Enable MBE and MBD
Standardizing Model-Based Definition (MBD)

3:05 p.m.    Ray Admire, Consortium Member, QIF [Bio] – Quality Information Framework (QIF), The Missing Standard for Quality & Inspection
Quality Information Framework: ANSI QIF 2.0 Revealed

3:35 p.m.    Phil Rosche, Independent Contractor, Advanced Collaboration Consulting Resources [Bio] – The Impact of Standards-Based Interoperability (STEP AP242 and PMI) to enable the Supply Chain
Digging Into Managed Model Based 3D Engineering

4:05 p.m.    Kenn Hartman, President, DSA [Bio] – The MBE Value Stream – Capabilities and Value Proposition
Strategies To Quantify MBD’s Value Proposition

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