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Archive for the ‘Secure Data Exchange’ Category

Magna Blue Sky organizes data exchange with OpenDXM GlobalX

Friday, May 7th, 2021

Magna is developing intelligent next-generation electric vehicles for the Chinese market together with Beijing Electric Vehicle (BJEV), the electric car subsidiary of the Chinese carmaker BAIC. Magna Blue Sky, the name of the joint venture, uses PROSTEP’s OpenDXM GlobalX solution, in combination with the PLM solution Teamcenter, for the secure exchange of data with partners and suppliers.

Approximately two years ago, Magna and BJEV announced that they would be jointly developing and manufacturing high-quality electric vehicles for the Chinese market. The joint venture set up a greenfield state-of-the-art development center in Zhenjiang for this purpose. It operates under the name Magna Blue Sky NEV Technology (Zhenjiang) and employs about 420 people, who not only develop electric vehicle architectures for the joint venture but also provide engineering services to other customers. The Magna Steyr Group, which is headquartered in Graz, was responsible for implementation of the completely new IT infrastructure.

Magna Blue Sky’s engineers use the mechanical CAD system CATIA V5 from Dassault Systèmes together with the PLM solution Teamcenter from Siemens PLM Software. OpenDXM GlobalX is used to manage data exchange with partners and suppliers. The decision in favor of the world’s leading data exchange platform from PROSTEP did not require a long evaluation process as Magna has been using the OpenDXM products for years and now operates its own OpenDXM GlobalX installation in Graz. “It offers us even greater flexibility and security when exchanging data,” says Oliver Burlon, project manager for data exchange at Magna Steyr.

Working in close cooperation with the IT experts in Graz, PROSTEP’s PLM experts implemented the data exchange platform in Zhenjiang, defined appropriate templates for integrating exchange partners, and adapted the data exchange processes and authorizations to Magna Blue Sky’s specific requirements. A complex approval workflow was implemented to ensure maximum protection of intellectual know-how. It ensures that all exchange processes are approved in accordance with the multiple-eyes principle before the data is made available to partners and suppliers for downloading.

The OpenDXM GlobalX Teamcenter integration allows engineers at Magna Blue Sky to initiate data exchange processes directly from the Teamcenter user interface. This not only makes operation easy but also saves time when data is sent since the export of data from Teamcenter runs completely in the background and users do not have to wait when larger assemblies are being exported. They also have the option of making data from MS Outlook or Windows Explorer available for encrypted exchange with OpenDXM GlobalX.

By Udo Hering

Adient Aerospace uses OpenDXM GlobalX from the cloud

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

Cloud-based applications can be used out of the box without high initial investments. This is especially interesting for start-ups or newly founded companies like Adient Aerospace. The manufacturer of aircraft seats, a joint venture of automotive seat manufacturer Adient and aircraft manufacturer the Boeing Company, has recently started using the OpenDXM GlobalX data exchange platform as a SaaS model.

Adient is a world leader in automotive seating. In 2018, the company brought its aircraft seating business into a joint venture with the Boeing Company. At the end of a transitional period, this created the need to carve out the PLM infrastructure and to introduce a separate data exchange solution for the joint venture. After a market analysis, the decision was made in favor of OpenDXM GlobalX from PROSTEP, as it guarantees the requirements of a secure and traceable exchange of data to the partner companies.

In order to be able to use the data exchange platform quickly and without any acquisition costs or installation effort, the company opted for the cloud-based SaaS (Software as a Service) model. The software is installed in the partner data center of PROSTEP AG, which users access via encrypted data lines and an intuitive web portal after appropriate authorization.

“As a result, the amount of training required is very low,” says Gregor Starck, manager engineering at Adient Aerospace.

The effort required for installation and ramp-up was also kept within limits. The solution was operational just one day after the order was received. Adient extracted the contact data of the aerospace partners from the legacy automotive system so that it could be automatically transferred to OpenDXM GlobalX.

Engineers at Adient Aerospace currently use OpenDXM GlobalX as a portal solution, meaning they extract the data to be exchanged from their PTC Windchill PLM system and send it manually using OpenDXM GlobalX. In order to automate and speed up the data exchange processes the company is considering the option to implement OpenDXM GlobalX Windchill integration. “PROSTEP’s data exchange platform integrates very well with the company’s processes and applications,” comments Starck. As the range of functions grows, a switch to an on-premises installation is also not out of the question.

By Daniel Wiegand

OpenDXM GlobalX offers new functions for CAD analysis

Friday, April 9th, 2021

When exchanging CAD data, it is important to ensure the transfer of complete and valid assemblies, which might possibly be used for downstream operations such as conversion. PROSTEP has therefore expanded its OpenDXM GlobalX data exchange platform to include intelligent CAD analysis functions, which efficiently analyze and structure assemblies before they are transferred.

CAD Analyst is available to users in their send client and is activated using Windows Explorer and the CAD send function on the right mouse button. Depending on the selection made by the user, the CAD data is analyzed and structured in such a way that assemblies are transferred for post-processing as separate data sets.

When a CAD file is selected, an intelligent algorithm checks whether the file contains an assembly for which dependent CAD files exist. All the data belonging to an assembly is transferred as a single data set. If multiple files are selected, analysis is performed for each of the files and the corresponding number of data sets is created.

If a directory is selected, CAD Analyst first checks whether the directory includes one or more root elements for assemblies. If this is the case, these assemblies and all dependent components are entered in the send job as separate data sets. Once all the assemblies have been processed, the algorithm repeats the process for all individual files, which are also entered in the job as separate data sets.

If neither method allows CAD Analyst to find all the referenced files, the user receives a warning that his assembly is incomplete. The user can then decide whether or not to start the transfer. Once analysis has been completed, he can generate a 3D preview for each data set and view it in his web browser. This preview file can be included in the transfer, thus making it possible for the recipient to quickly view the files they receive.

CAD Analyst supports the analysis of files in widely used CAD formats such as CATIA V5, Creo (Pro/E), Autodesk Inventor, JT, NX, Solid Edge and SolidWorks. There is no need to install CAD software in order to use the analysis and viewing functions. We deliver the libraries needed to do this with the Windows integration for OpenDXM GlobalX. The new analysis module is an optional extension to the basic OpenDXM GlobalX module and can be expanded to include CAD extensions for processing, converting and checking CAD data.

Find out more about creating send jobs with CAD Analyst in this video.


By Daniel Wiegand

Strategic partnership for the 3D printing of spare parts

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021

PROSTEP has entered into a strategic partnership with the Dutch technology company AMbrace, which is developing a service platform that makes it possible to 3D print spare parts. AMbrace will use our OpenDXM GlobalX data exchange platform to make 3D print data available in combination with SAMPL technology for the tamper-proof exchange of 3D printing licenses.

AMbrace’s innovative business model involves providing manufacturing companies in the aviation and other industries with a secure streaming service for the additive manufacturing of spare parts. Companies can store 3D files in a variety of printer-specific formats in AMbrace’s digital warehouse and send them on demand to a service provider, who then prints the required spare part on site. To do this, AMbrace is developing networks for the manufacturing of spare parts in a global ecosystem of certified 3D print service providers.

Within the framework of their partnership, PROSTEP and AMbrace have agreed to adapt the Secure Additive Manufacturing Platform originally developed in the SAMPL project to AMbrace’s specific requirements and to extend it to include digital warehouse functionality. Key components of the solution are the OpenDXM GlobalX data exchange platform with the blockchain module and SAMPL technology for integrating 3D printers, which turns them into secure and trusted printers. Blockchain technology ensures that the 3D data to be printed can be identified in a traceable manner and can only be printed the licensed number of times to avoid the manufacture of pirate copies.

“The partnership with AMbrace is an important step on the way to industrializing the solution, as was originally intended in the SAMPL project,” states Dr. Martin Holland, Head of Strategy & Business Development at PROSTEP. “The way we see it, this partnership supports a new business model with which we intend to transform global supply chains for spare parts provisioning,” says Herman von Bolhuis, CEO of AMbrace. “Our streaming platform makes it possible for customers to have spare parts manufactured quickly and securely, whenever and wherever they want.”

By Markus Sachers

Convenient and secure data exchange from SAP ECTR

Saturday, January 23rd, 2021

Integrating data exchange into the users’ working environment is the best way to ensure that they comply with data security and know-how protection rules. That’s why automotive supplier HBPO has integrated the OpenDXM GlobalX data exchange platform into SAP ECTR. In the future, it will be available not only for product developers, but also for other departments.

HBPO is a world leader in the development, design and assembly of front-end modules, i.e. those modules that give vehicles their face. The Tier 1 supplier also manufactures active grille shutters, center consoles and cockpit modules for major automotive OEMs. HBPO has stood for innovation, quality and customer proximity for nearly three decades, but has only operated under this name since 2004. Being a joint venture, 66.6% of the company is owned by Plastic Omnium and 33.3% by HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA since 2017. Currently, the module specialist employs around 2,500 people at more than 30 locations in Europe, Asia and America.

HBPO’s engineers manage their design data from different authoring systems using SAP PLM or the SAP Engineering Control Center (ECTR). ECTR provides standard integrations to the leading CAx systems under a uniform user interface. To meet the more demanding requirements in terms of IP protection and traceability of the exchange processes, the company introduced the OpenDXM GlobalX data exchange platform.

“PROSTEP was the only company that could offer us complete integration of the data exchange solution in the new environment,” explains Alexander Meier the reasons for the decision. He is responsible for supporting the company’s PLM landscape. Conformity to TISAX also played an important role. By using OpenDXM GlobalX, the strict security requirements of the VDA for handling confidential and personal data can be better met during operation.

PROSTEP delivers OpenDXM GlobalX with a plug-in that was developed in collaboration with DSC AG and is fully integrated with SAP ECTR. It allows users to send data from SAP ECTR to OpenDXM GlobalX and also to import data from there back into the system. Both the sending and receiving of documents can be largely automated, minimizing manual intervention.

The plugin is provided as a ZIP document and can be integrated into the SAP ECTR environment very easily. Analogous to the configuration of the user interface, the frontend-relevant settings can be configured on the file level. For example, HBPO has created various macros for exchanges that are still in progress or those that have already been successfully executed. Adjustments to the data model or classification, on the other hand, must be made in the SAP back end. “The configuration effort is kept within limits, however,” says Meier. “Overall, setting up the integration took no longer than a day.”

OpenDXM GlobalX is currently used primarily by engineers at HBPO. They create their exchanges for the project in question in the SAP ECTR environment, select complete assemblies or individual components in the preview window and copy them into the exchange package using drag and drop. In addition to native 3D models, the package can also contain data in neutral formats such as JT or PDF. Then they select the recipient(s) in the shipping order wizard and export the exchange package from SAP PLM to OpenDXM GlobalX. In SAP ECTR, they can track the status of their shipping orders at any time.

The seamless integration of the data exchange platform into the SAP ECTR environment ensures a high level of acceptance and also helps to ensure that users require very little training, as Meier sums up. “Setting up the data exchange authorizations was made easier by the fact that the data in SAP ECTR and also the accesses are organized on a project-by-project basis and that the integration can be adapted very flexibly to our authorization concept. Only employees who have access to the respective project and project data can create data exchange transactions.”

HBPO is very satisfied with PROSTEP’s data exchange platform and intends to make it available in the future to all departments that exchange sensitive data with customers or suppliers, as Meier concludes. This could be employees in purchasing, quality assurance or industrial engineering, but also in human resources. Since not all of them work with SAP ECTR, the company is thinking about implementing OpenDXM GlobalX’s MS Outlook integration as well.




By Daniel Wiegand

Successful TISAX audits at PROSTEP

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020

PROSTEP takes account of its automotive customers’ growing requirements in terms of data security. Last year we were certified in accordance with TISAX and have since extended the scope of this certification. In addition to company headquarters in Darmstadt, the branch offices in Berlin and Munich also recently passed their TISAX audits successfully.

The ever increasing level of networking in the automotive industry means that information security plays a key role when it comes to organizing business relationships. The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) has defined uniform requirements for this purpose and compliance is checked by means of regular audits: Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange, or TISAX for short. TISAX certification provides an important foundation for business relationships at numerous automobile manufacturers and automotive suppliers. It ensures that business partners comply with certain security standards when handling confidential and personal data. This applies to both the physical security of the premises and employees’ awareness of the issue of data security and to the protection of the IT infrastructure against cyber attacks.

The TISAX audit is based on the Information Security Assessment (ISA) developed by the VDA, a uniform catalog of questions that companies can use to assess their level of maturity in a variety of areas relating to information security. The actual certification process is carried out by independent service providers accredited by the ENX Association. The organization, which comprises European automobile manufacturers, suppliers and automotive associations, also monitors the quality of the assessments and the results.

At PROSTEP, TISAX certification is just one of many components that ensure reliable business processes and the compliant handling of confidential and personal data. During the course of a multi-day assessment, the auditors recently also verified compliance with the quality requirements relating to business processes (ISO 9001), the requirements relating to information security (ISO 27001), which serve as the basis for TISAX, and the data protection provisions according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR or DSVGO in the German terminology).

Thanks to PROSTEP’s many years of experience with the certification processes and the excellent preparatory work performed for the audits, there was no cause for complaint. The auditors praised the excellent implementation of the DSVGO requirements in particular.

We passed the various audits with flying colors, even though the TISAX requirements and the inclusion of additional locations meant that the review was performed in greater depth than in the past. Successful TISAX certification enables us to take account of the growing data security requirements of our customers in the automotive industry and create a basis for collaboration in joint PLM development projects that is based on trust.

By Rainer Bugow

OpenDXM GlobalX 9.2: More ease of use for users and administrators

Thursday, December 17th, 2020

PROSTEP is presenting the new version 9.2 of its OpenDXM GlobalX data exchange platform, which offers extensive functions for integrated and automated data processing. This makes it even more comfortable to use for users and system administrators. The new features include a CAD client that allows users to send complete CAD assemblies from Windows Explorer.

OpenDXM GlobalX is not only an easy to use portal solution for secure data exchange but can also be integrated very easily into data processing processes. The aim is to make it as easy as possible for users to send and receive data and documents. To do this, they must be able to initiate the transfer from their familiar working environment. Therefore, we offer them additional client applications for the creation of transfer processes.

Version 9.2 of OpenDXM GlobalX, for example, includes a new CAD client that allows users to select the CAD data to be sent in the context of the Windows Explorer. The solution automatically identifies the documents that belong to a CAD assembly and transfers them in a structured form to a shipping container. A high-performance 3D preview function facilitates the selection of the CAD data to be sent.

In addition, we have once again significantly expanded the functional scope of the new web interface in version 9.2. All the important system administration tasks, including ENGDAT administration, can now be performed I the web browser. The web interface also allows the release of dispatch processes according to the dual control principle.

Data protection is further improved by the fact that the double opt-in procedure can be activated for newly created accounts. This means that the generated user profiles can only be used for data exchange once the users have expressly confirmed this. If they refuse to use them, their personal data will be deleted again in accordance with the basic data protection regulation (DSVGO). Data security is also a top priority for us, which is why we have subjected the new version 9.2 to a penetration test by an external service provider.

In addition to Oracle, OpenDXM GlobalX has been able to run on MS SQL databases since Version 9.1. With Version 9.2, we have added PostgresSQL to the supported database systems. The new version of OpenDXM GlobalX is now available. As usual, software and documentation are available via our download portal.

By Udo Hering

PROSTEP participates in numerous online events

Monday, December 14th, 2020

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was not only PROSTEP TECHDAY 2020 that was held online this year but also almost every other event at which we normally make an appearance. In recent months, we have participated in numerous online events with presentations and virtual booths. The feedback was rather restrained: What our speakers missed most was contact with the other participants.

One of the events we have been attending for years is LiveWorx, where we demonstrate the solutions in our portfolio, and in particular our OpenPDM integrations to Windchill, Creo and the IIoT platform ThingWorx, to the PTC community. Although this year’s trip to Boston was canceled, our appearance was not. In one presentation, we demonstrated to participants how our integration platform can provide support for end-to-end digitalization in heterogeneous PDM/PLM landscapes and make data from different enterprise applications available in role-based ThingWorx apps. You can watch the video here.

The 3DEXPERIENCE Conference EuroCentral organized by Dassault Systèmes was also held online this year. Our participation in the event comprised not only a virtual booth but also two live presentations. In the first presentation, we explained to participants how our data exchange platform OpenDXM GlobalX supports 3DEXPERIENCE (3DX) platform users in the context of cross-enterprise collaboration. The second presentation focused on data migration. We used concrete use cases to demonstrate how companies can migrate metadata and CAD data from legacy systems to the 3DX platform in high quality with the support of PROSTEP’s experts and our OpenPDM integration platform. Several presentations were also made at our booth, including one on how 3DX can be incorporated in an EA-based PLM strategy.

Our PLM strategy consultants also responded to the constraints placed on their ability to travel by participating in online events. One highlight was most certainly the joint presentation given together with Bosch at the prostep ivip Symposium in which we presented the current status of the SetLevel and V&V research projects. The two projects deal with the question of how the traceability of simulation steps and results can be ensured when it comes to validating autonomous driving functions. A video of the presentation, which was also shown at the 6th Symposium Driving Simulation, can be found here.

At the same time, our consulting specialists made an appearance in the former plenary hall of the German Bundestag in Bonn as a sponsor of LeanIX EA Connect Days 2020, one of the most important conferences in the field of enterprise architecture management, which was a smart combination of physical and virtual event. In an interview, Dr. Martin Strietzel explains the role EA (Enterprise Architecture) plays in PLM and the digitalization of the product development process and what PROSTEP expects from its collaboration with LeanIX.

We gave a number of presentations at the NAFEMS DACH 2020 conference, which was ultimately held online following several postponements. The presentations covered a wide range of topics from the challenges posed by the digital twin to the role of simulation in the platform economy through to a concrete representation of end-to-end digitalization using the system model in systems engineering as an example. You can find out more about these topics in our white paper.

Some of our customers in the maritime industry like MEYER Werft and MEYER Turku are using the coronavirus crisis as an opportunity to rethink their PLM architectures. Our shipbuilding experts made use of a variety of online activities to help them come up with new ideas. At a virtual booth at PI Marine USA, we showcased our integration platform OpenPDM SHIP, which connects shipbuilding-specific development systems with each other or with mechanical CAD systems and all the leading PDM/PLM and ERP systems. You can find more about this in our white paper.

We also presented the results of a cross-enterprise survey on the digital twin in the maritime industry at the start of the 5th Schiff&Hafen Maritim 4.0 conference, which was held online this year. Details of the study, which attracted a great deal of attention, will be provided in the next newsletter.

By Joachim Christ

PROSTEP TECHDAY offered a diverse program

Friday, December 11th, 2020

Online conferences can be rather tedious affairs. PROSTEP proved that it doesn’t have to be that way with its PROSTEP TECHDAY. The professionally moderated online sessions with short presentations about key new products and interesting presentations by customers offered participants a diverse and entertaining program. “The quality was almost as good as on TV,” said one of the viewers.

With almost 150 participants, this year’s PROSTEP TECHDAY was better “attended” than ever before. The response was extremely positive. Many of those participating congratulated us via e-mail on the “super event”, the great format, the professional support provided by TV and event host Julia Bauer and the informative and professional presentations by the speakers.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year’s customary meeting of the PROSTEP community took place on screen, to some extent like a TV series with three episodes and different protagonists. Each session kicked off with a brief review of what has been achieved since the previous TECHDAY and how PROSTEP is positioning itself as a partner for the digital transformation. There is no way around the cloud. According to Gartner, 75 percent of companies are navigating their way to the cloud, which is why we, too, have made our software solutions cloud-ready.

In cooperation with the DARZ data center in Darmstadt, we are making our OpenDXM GlobalX data exchange platform available as a SaaS model – an offering that is already in productive use at customers like OSRAM Continental and Valeo Siemens. The cloud offering is soon to be expanded to include additional services such as the data conversion service We also have plans to offer PLM integration to an increasing extent as a service based on our cloud-capable OpenPDM product suite. To facilitate the deployment of applications in different cloud infrastructures, the company is working intensively on integrating technologies like Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift, said Udo Hering, head of Product Management.

Getting to grips with topics of the future is of strategic importance to PROSTEP, which is why we participate in numerous research projects. They play a key role in the context of developing new software products such as the OpenCLM traceability solution, which product manager Dr. Fabrice Mogo Nem presented to a wider audience for the first time at PROSTEP TECHDAY. As Dr. Mogo Nem pointed out, it is not merely another PDM/PLM system but a layer that makes the relationships between the information distributed across different data silos and domains transparent, thus reducing the amount of time and effort required to find information and ensure requirements regarding traceability are being met. OpenCLM will be available from July next year but can already be put to the test in a proof of concept.

Client for CAD data processing

OpenDXM GlobalX was the protagonist in the first session. In the current version 9.2, PROSTEP has expanded the new web interface to enable administrators to also perform all their essential tasks on the web, as Product Manager Daniel Wiegand explained. A new and powerful CAD client is now available to companies that want to use the data exchange platform without PDM/PLM integration. It analyzes the components stored in a directory and independently puts together the assemblies that are to be sent. The client also offers a convenient 3D preview function that allows the assemblies to be viewed prior to being sent. The OpenDXM Broker can be used to automate processes like data conversion.

We have expanded the range of PDM integrations offered to include a new plug-in for the 3D dashboard that is part of Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform. The plug-in makes it possible for multiple data sets to be sent in a single operation. The roadmap for the next version of OpenDXM GlobalX includes not only improving security functions using two-factor authentication but also another plug-in for the Teamcenter Active Workspace client.

Alexander Meier from the automotive supplier HBPO used the ECTR plug-in as an example to illustrate how quickly OpenDXM GlobalX can be integrated into the SAP landscape and how easy the solution is to use. HBPO develops and manufactures high-quality front-end modules, cockpits and center consoles for the automotive industry. Users at the company can not only create send jobs in their familiar interface but also receive feedback in SAP ECTR as to whether the job has been successfully transferred to the data exchange platform and the data delivered to the recipient.

Function for hollowing assemblies

TECHDAY’s second session focused on the automated provision of product data from PLM and ERP systems to downstream processes in manufacturing, assembly and service. Product Manager Timo Trautmann explained the technological transformation of PDF Generator 3D, which has become a powerful platform for converting 2D and 3D data into a wide variety of formats, to participants.

It not only allows 3D PDF documents to be created automatically but also makes it possible to publish 2D and 3D data in HTML5 format so that it can be displayed in a normal web browser. An agile release process ensures that customers are always able to use the latest CAD formats as input.

The session also provided participants with a brief overview of the standardization activities being conducted by the 3D PDF Consortium, of which PROSTEP is a member. Significant progress has been made, particularly with regard to ISO standardization of the PDF/ A-4e format as a standard for the long-term archiving of engineering data. The committee is also working on new topics such as the ability to embed native STEP data in 3D PDF documents so that it can be viewed directly with Adobe Reader. As Trautmann said, our roadmap includes support for this option as from version 10.1 of PDF Generator 3D.

One of the highlights of the current version is the new “hollowing” function, which makes it possible to automatically hollow out assemblies and remove components that cannot be seen when preparing them for spare parts catalogs. As Trautmann pointed out, this provides better protection for the know-how inherent in the assemblies. But PDF Generator 3D offers more than just the ability to generate product-specific spare parts catalogs at the touch of a button. The solution also supports change reporting when releasing new data sets by displaying changes made to the geometry or associated PMI information, e.g. tolerance specifications.

The presentation by André Hieke from Siemens Large Drives Applications (LDA) demonstrated just how versatile PDF Generator 3D is. The manufacturer of customized high-voltage motors and converters initially used our software to automate the creation of offer documents in the pre-sales phase. It is now also being used productively in housing manufacture. Siemens LDA thus provides both its own workers and external partners with manufacturing documents without any need for drawings. Unlike the JT technology, which was originally used for this purpose, the 3D PDF-based solution enjoys a high level of acceptance among users. It is therefore planned that it also be implemented in shaft manufacture and at other locations, as Hieke said.

OpenPDM with cloud-capable architecture

The highlight of the third session was the customer presentation given by Clifton Davies from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics. The manufacturer of military aircraft uses our PLM integration platform OpenPDM in combination with Red Hat’s service bus architecture Fuse to export part information, manufacturing BOMs and work schedules from the 3DEXPERIENCE platform or DELMIA to the SAP ERP system and the MES system Solumina from iBASEt. The timeframe for the integration project was very tight and was complicated by a changeover to a different version of 3DEXPERIENCE, which PROSTEP carried out in less than 24 hours, as Davies said in praise. Lockheed Martin wants to use the solution to integrate other PLM systems such as Teamcenter and enable bidirectional data exchange.

As of version 9, PROSTEP has placed the architecture of the PLM integration platform on a new technological footing to facilitate cloud deployment, as Product Manager Mirko Theiß explained. The new process engine is based on the open source software Camunda and makes the graphic modeling of integration processes possible. The connectors can be used independently of the platform and communicate with it via REST APIs. Even though the OpenPDM 8.x versions will to continue to be supported, in the future we intend to place primary focus on the cloud version and also want to develop additional connectors for integrating production planning processes, software development and application lifecycle management (ALM).

We consider our first online TECHDAY a resounding success, even though we sorely missed face-to-face contact with our customers and interested parties.

If you did not have the opportunity to participate online and would like to know more about our solutions, the three sessions are available for viewing.

You can find the records here.

By Peter Pfalzgraf

OSRAM Continental relies on data exchange from the cloud

Sunday, November 8th, 2020

Setting up an IT landscape from scratch is a challenge, but at the same time it offers an opportunity to do things completely differently. OSRAM Continental took advantage of this opportunity and moved its entire IT infrastructure to the cloud. The two-year-old joint venture uses PROSTEP’s cloud-based data exchange service to exchange product data with customers and suppliers.

Intelligently networked lighting that automatically adapts to the driving situation and improves communication between the driver, the vehicle and the environment is the future of automotive lighting. OSRAM Continental’s mission is to shape this future. The joint venture between OSRAM and Continental was set up in the middle of 2018, with each company holding a 50-percent stake. It combines the expertise and experience of the two parent companies in the fields lighting, electronics and software.

With a workforce of 1,500, the joint venture develops, manufactures and markets solutions for front and rear headlights, individually controllable interior lighting, and innovative projection systems that provide greater driving safety and comfort. In the future, they will play a key role – especially when it comes to the safety of autonomous driving. Networked light control units that link the different sensor signals from a vehicle with information from other vehicles or the environment provide the basis for this type of intelligent lighting concepts.

OSRAM Continental is headquartered in Munich and maintains a presence at 15 locations in nine countries worldwide. Product development is distributed over Europe, America and Asia, with the largest European development site situated in Iaşi, Romania. The mechanical engineers work primarily with CATIA, but they also use other CAD systems that are connected to the PLM solution SAP PLM via SAP ECTR depending on the project and customer requirements involved. Most of the applications run in a virtual desktop infrastructure, i.e. only views are streamed to the users’ screens.

State-of-the-art IT infrastructure

“With the exception of a few applications, everything runs in the cloud. We wanted a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure,” says Catalina Man, Team Lead IT Operations at OSRAM Continental and, together with her team, responsible for providing support to OpenDXM GlobalX users, among other things. “The biggest hurdle encountered on the way to the cloud was changing the employees’ mindset. We had to convince them that cloud services work just as well as solutions that are installed locally. The issue of security was also a challenge. It can’t be left to the cloud provider alone but instead requires a team that concerns itself with the network and infrastructure. The limited human resources available to support the cloud environment were therefore another challenge.”

In line with its general cloud strategy, OSRAM Continental decided to use the OpenDXM GlobalX data exchange platform from the cloud. As Catalina Man says, there were a number of reasons for choosing PROSTEP’s SaaS solution. “We needed a solution for all the locations that could be implemented quickly and which we could use to securely exchange not only CAD files but also, for example, product marketing videos. We wanted to work with well-known providers, and we were familiar with PROSTEP from our parent company Continental. We also knew that the company offered its data exchange platform from the cloud and then discussed our requirements. It ended up that OpenDXM GlobalX was the best fit for us because the software is very flexible and can be implemented quickly.”

The SaaS solution is installed in the cloud infrastructure provided by the DARZ data center in Darmstadt, which has been certified by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) in accordance with CIP (Critical Infrastructure Protection) and meets all the requirements stipulated within the framework of DIN/ISO 9001 and 27001 and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). With its state-of-the-art architecture, infrastructure and building technology, DARZ ensures the highest possible level of protection and availability of data. Catalina Man confirms that all OSRAM Continental’s locations access the cloud infrastructure provided by the Darmstadt data center directly via the Internet and that response time behavior is good.

Integration of an OFTP application

The SaaS solution is multi-client capable and is also used as a multi-tenant application by numerous other customers. OSRAM Continental, however, decided on their own instance as it exchanges large volumes of data with carmakers using the OFTP2 protocol. Which is why PROSTEP integrated T-Systems’ OFTP application rvsEVO in the customer’s data exchange service. It automatically prepares the data to be exchanged for OFTP2 communication when the corresponding recipients are selected. However, it can only be used in combination with a private cloud or a cloud of its own for data protection reasons and due to technical restrictions.

Aside from the OFTP integration, users can use the SaaS solution practically “out of the box”, which makes updates easier. “The software supported almost all our use cases from the word go,” says Catalina Man. PROSTEP implemented an important adaptation for OSRAM Continental that has already been incorporated in the standard application. The size of the WebSpaces for individual users and user groups can be defined individually within the storage quota for the licensed number of users and can also be changed. This was previously technically feasible but had to be performed by PROSTEP support staff. Now customer administrators can do this themselves using the intuitive web interface.

Approximately 250 internal and almost 100 external users are currently registered as exchange partners at OSRAM Continental. The internal users are primarily R&D engineers, but an increasing number of employees from other departments are also sending and receiving sensitive data securely via the cloud platform, which logs all exchange processes in a way the ensures they can be traced. The solution has registered over 6,000 uploads and downloads involving a data volume of more than 500 gigabytes this year alone.

Intuitive web interface

All key data exchange functions are made available to users via an HTML5-based web interface. With the help of external user interface design specialists, PROSTEP has made this interface more intuitive and ergonomic so that even occasional users can use the application without the need for regular training courses. “The new interface has made the application much easier to use,” says Catalina Man. “At first users had a lot of questions, which is why we worked hard to ensure that they understand the tool and feel comfortable using it. We asked PROSTEP to expand existing documentation to include easy-to-understand explanatory videos for example.”

Although the data exchange service is primarily used by developers, OSRAM Continental has not integrated the SaaS solution directly in its PLM environment even though this is technically feasible. “We decided to first make sure that the application is stable for the users,” says Catalina Man. Engineers normally export their CAD data from SAP PLM or SAP ECTR to an appropriate directory, log in to OpenDXM GlobalX using the Web Client, select the files to be exchanged and the respective recipient, and upload them to the platform. Both the files and the exchange processes are encrypted, thus ensuring a high level of security.

Employees who like working with MS Outlook and use it extensively can now initiate data exchange directly from their e-mail program. At the beginning of this year, OSRAM Continental activated the Outlook integration – which is actually a multi-cloud integration because the Office programs run in a different cloud environment – for certain users. Catalina Man says that although connecting across cloud boundaries isn’t a problem, it requires the installation of additional software on the PCs, which is why most users cannot install the integration themselves.

Falling total cost of ownership

The main benefit of the SaaS model for OSRAM Continental is the fact that the company did not have to deal with purchasing and implementing hardware and software. This meant that the data exchange solution was able to go live quickly. It can be scaled up or down as the number of users increases or decreases. No or significantly fewer IT administration and support staff is required. Maintenance of the IT infrastructure and software updates are included in the price, which reduces the total cost of ownership or at least makes it easier to calculate. In a new company, where the entire IT organization has yet to be established, internal resources are scarce. A cloud-based, out-of-the-box solution is therefore the perfect solution.

“For me, the key advantage of the SaaS solution is its flexibility, which makes it possible to respond to new requirements quickly,” says Catalina Man, who is very happy with the support PROSTEP provides and the quality of the support. Review meetings, at which the experts from PROSTEP explain new features and make note of new requirements, are held twice a year following the updates. “The team is very flexible and implements our requirements quickly,” explains Catalina Man in conclusion. “That is crucial to the success of our collaboration.”

By Nadi Sönmez

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