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Archive for March, 2014

How to Enhance your Engineering Career through Project Management:5 Steps to Career Success

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

The field of engineering is unthinkable without projects. Learning to manage them well is the first key to a successful, sustainable career.

As any project manager worth his salt knows, it requires planning and dedication to make the transition into a project management position.

A popular approaching to launching one’s career is to take some kind of training.

But before jumping into a project management training course, consider the steps below.

1.  Define your focus

Most people have a vague understanding of project management, but they aren’t clear on the details, the role’s requirements or the most suitable position to obtain.

The first step is to do your homework so you have some insights into how project management works in your particular sector. Project management is about managing projects. How would it benefit you? (more…)

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