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CAD/PDM Software Evaluation: PTC Creo/Windchill PDM Essentials

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

Editor’s Note: This is the fourth installment of a series of four evaluation articles of CAD/PDM systems for SMBs.


PTC Windchill PDM Essentials is intended to bring collaborative engineering to smaller companies for organizing and managing product content so that they can improve design reuse, broaden access to product information across roles, and ensure control over design versions and release processes.

PDM Essentials is basically a role-based, template-based, pre-configured bundle in an optimized Microsoft Windows environment.

PTC Windchill PDM Essentials is a scaled-down version of PDMLink, Windchill’s primary data management solution, allowing smaller firms to manage CAD data and product development-related Microsoft Office documents.

Windchill PDM Essentials Quick Tour Video


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