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Posts Tagged ‘digital realities portfolio’

Theorem Solutions Democratizes Different Realities

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017

It seems that everybody wants in on the action in the various “realities” game. Case in point — Theorem Solutions, a company known largely for its product data interoperability and PLM has launched a Multi-Device Visualization Experience App for Augmented (AR), Mixed (MR), and Virtual Reality (VR) devices and markets.

Traditionally, Theorem’s products and solutions have enabled companies to leverage their CAD and PLM assets in other parts of their business, primarily in data sharing with downstream processes and suppliers, and now in the emerging Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual Reality sectors.

The Visualization Experience app forms part of Theorem’s Digital Realities product family, and has been specifically developed for users to engage and interact with their Engineering and Manufacturing data. It is one of the first to offer a single solution for all three different technologies in a single application.

What are Virtual and Augmented Realities?

The Multi-Device application is a single application built from the ground up using the latest graphics gaming engine, producing stunning graphical representations of your data, which is a real game changer to the world of traditional CAD graphics and visualization.

Supported devices include:

  • Augmented Reality – Windows 10 and Android Tablets and Phones
  • Mixed Reality – Microsoft HoloLens
  • Virtual Reality – HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

Being Multi-Device, the application allows users to use the same data, in the same visualization application, on all the different low-cost devices.


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