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Addifab: Pushing the Boundaries of Additive Manufacturing

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022

We recently spoke with Lasse Guldborg Staal, CEO, Addifab about his take on his company as well as the state of the additive manufacturing (AM) industry – where it is and where it’s going.

Based in Denmark, Addifab is a global company built on market knowledge and high ambitions. Based on its experience, the company has developed a unique soluble mold tool enabling a process known as Freeform Injection Molding (FIM).

With its innovative Print→Inject→Dissolve process, the Freeform Injection Molding technique is free of any design or material choice limitations. By printing the tool, you can create unseen designs. You can mold unseen products and business potential by injecting virtually any available material before dissolving the molding tool.

Staal kicked things off by saying, “Addifab was founded in 2014, December, 2014, by me and two other co-founders. We have a background in the hearing aid industry, and decided to found Addifab to create better 3D printers for high-precision manufacturing. Early in the life cycle of the company, we got into injection molding, and we now believe it to be the best possible alternative for injection molders wanting to adopt 3D printing for support of their processes.

MCADCafe Interviews Lasse Guldborg Staal, CEO, Addifab

“Injection molders work with plastic materials and normally use metal tools to produce parts. Metal tools are expensive and time consuming to produce. So, what we do with the 3D printing is to create injection mold tooling that is faster and cheaper, and it’s actually also greener than the conventional metal tooling. If you want to have a low cost injection molded prototype, I think the Addifab technology freeform injection molding is probably your best and most cost effective alternative.”


“At Addifab, we are committed to helping innovators capture the full potential of their ideas, and to bring their products to market faster. With Freeform Injection Molding, we deliver on this commitment; start-ups bring their ideas to market using our technology, and global industry leaders adopt our technology to boost their product development.”

Lasse Staal, Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder, Addifab


“What we’ve tried to do with our technology freeform injection molding is to reduce the costs and reduce lead times. We also want to provide injection molders with a new level of design freedom. And for this reason we have created injection mold tooling that is soluble because if you can dissolve your injection mold tooling, you can create geometries that are impossible to mold with any other method.”


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