Wolfgang GentzschWolfgang Gentzsch is president and co-founder of the UberCloud, helping engineers and scientists to move their complex simulation workloads to public and private cloud resources. Wolfgang was the chairman of the International ISC Cloud Conference series from 2010 to 2015. Previously, he was an Advisor to EU projects, directed the German D-Grid Initiative and the North Carolina Computing Grid. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Open Grid Forum and of the US President's Council of Advisors for Science and Technology, PCAST. Before, Wolfgang was a professor of computer science and math at universities in the US and Germany, and held leading positions at the North Carolina Data Center, Sun Microsystems in California, the German DLR Aerospace Center, and the Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics.
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Wolfgang GentzschWolfgang Gentzsch is president and co-founder of the UberCloud, helping engineers and scientists to move their complex simulation workloads to public and private cloud resources. Wolfgang was the chairman of the International ISC Cloud Conference series from 2010 to 2015. Previously, he was an
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MCADCafe Industry Predictions for 2019 – The Uber Cloud
January 7th, 2019 by Wolfgang Gentzsch
Many industry predictions for 2019 are talking about the wider and growing acceptance of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Industry 4.0, Digital Twins, 3D Printing, and Cloud Computing; no surprise, as this is a continuation of 2018. But behind all these trends and ‘techniques’ is one big common trend fueled by the engineers’ desire to make their complex and demanding tools and techniques more applicable, economical, user-friendly, intuitive, and automatic, to be finally used by every engineer. This broader trend is now well-known as Democratization, Appification, Revolution in Simulation, Containerization, and more. In our CAE community, we see this trend greatly supported by NAFEMS, COFES, ASSESS, Rev-Sim, UberCloud and others, and by many outstanding individuals and groups.
To support this prediction, we are looking closer at two examples: cloud computing and containerization of engineering applications, i.e. two ‘tools’ so far not widely applied by the engineering community. But these tools are absolutely necessary for engineers who are looking for designing their products faster and cheaper, and with higher quality, driving innovation and improving competitiveness. More computing resources (in the cloud) make simulations run faster, and more simulations (on more powerful cloud resources) lead to better-quality products. In addition, novel application containers, sitting on powerful cloud resources and hosting (“containing”) the engineer’s complex simulation workflow and data, enable engineers seamless, intuitive, and on-demand access to all software and hardware resources they need. No need to learn anything new, no need to wait, just login with your password and have all the resources you need, at your fingertips! A true step towards democratization of CAE.
Tags: cloud computing, containerization, Industry Predictions
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on Monday, January 7th, 2019 at 11:48.
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