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Posts Tagged ‘Stratasys’

Custom Motorcycle Windscreen Brackets with SOLIDWORKS & Stratasys 3D Print Technology

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

Motorcycle Riding – 2010 KTM SMT

For me, riding my motorcycle is having the freedom of the open road and traveling with the wind in my hair!  Sounds great, right?  Well, after any extended period of riding in the weather elements; physical and mental fatigue takes over, leaving the operation of a motorcycle quite dangerous.

On my quest to create comfort and extend my riding to a long haul, I decided to improve the stock windshield (or windscreen) of my KTM SM-T. This is where aftermarket parts, SOLIDWORKS and 3D printing technology takes over.

Motorcycle Windscreen: Stock vs Touring

Take a look at the stock windscreen below. It looks ergonomically ‘sporty’ but doesn’t provide much protection from the weather elements.

morotcycle-comfortIn comparison, you will see a touring windscreen below. This version is significantly taller but still does not provide the necessary protection from the weather elements.


Simulate Everything with the Stratasys J750

Monday, June 20th, 2016

3D Printing has a new game-changer. In this recorded webinar, you will learn about the new Stratasys J750 3D Printer, the most advanced plastic 3D printer in the world!

Shape Your World

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

Shape Your WorldOver the last few years, GoEngineer hosted a series of technical events in late spring.  During these events, we showcased how our technology platforms work together to produce efficient workflows.  Last year’s event was a little different.  We packed 12 topics into 6 timeslots for a full day of learning.  With over 2100 attendees during the last few events, we want thank you, our client partners, for this huge success!

Shape Your World Is On Its Way!

We are back at it this year with an exciting new project and schedule of topics.  Shape Your World is the place where you can explore technology and learn processes from our experts.  This is the perfect opportunity to catch-up and collaborate with old friends.  You might even find a new one! With 7 time slots available starting at 9AM each day, we allow you to customize your agenda while attending several sessions that best fit your needs.                                              


How I Used SOLIDWORKS To Prove My Star Wars Fan Theory

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

The Dilemma:

What Made the Dent in Boba Fett’s Helmet?

Star Wars has a memorable scene where Boba Fett pulls off his iconic helmet from his father’s head. In the space between the third and fourth movies, Boba chooses to keep his father’s helmet. Perhaps it’s a reminder for him or a symbol of the torch passing from one generation to the next. By the time we see the helmet again, Jango’s dents are gone and have been replaced by a new series of battle scars, most notably a circular shaped indentation on the front right of Boba Fett’s temple.

The Star Wars Fan Theory:

We have no way of knowing how it got there, but Star Wars Fans have a few arguments;  it was a door on Slave 1, it occurred during the ship’s crash or that it came from a particularly vicious head-butt. Due to CGI errors during that pivotal scene, we have no true answer.

This Star Wars scene gave me an idea…isn’t the base of a lightsaber about that size?

As I tried to determine if this was possible, I looked into Jango Fett’s dent created during the Kamino Escape.

Star Wars1


Top 10 GoEngineer Blog Posts of 2015 – SOLIDWORKS & 3D Printing

Friday, January 1st, 2016

2015 flew by like a flash! Looking back, we created articles that helped inspire great designs and encourage innovation.  Here is a list of top 10 blog posts viewed by readers like you! Stories include quick tips, new features in SOLIDWORKS 2016, 3D printing projects and so much more. Check them out and tell us what you think.


3D Print Technology and Motorcycle Tooling

Monday, November 23rd, 2015

Since purchasing my Ducati in 1996, I’ve had a love-hate relationship with it.  When the weather is right, the motorcycle is freshly detailed, and the engine mechanics are in complete adjustment, there is no better feeling in the world like aggressively shifting through gears at wide-open throttle cresting an apex of a turn while dragging knee on a back country road.3DP & Motorcycle Tooling

The downside to Ducati ownership is the required frequent maintenance:

  • Incessant wear and tear of a racing dry clutch
  • Multiple cold start attempts due to having racing carburetors
  • Endless adjustments of the desmodromic valve assembly
  • Replacement of the fragile camshaft belts

Enter 3D Print Technology

I have a soft spot for spending countless hours creating tangible items from blocks or rounds of metal in a machine shop.  However, when reducing time-to-market, minimizing cost, or more importantly, returning my Ducati motorcycle to road-worthy condition, 3D Print Technology is the “go-to” additive manufacturing process to create parts, assemblies and tooling in many industries.


The surprising secret to company cohesiveness and creativity

Friday, October 2nd, 2015

A couple of years ago, a few of us at GoEngineer started dreaming about what we could accomplish if we could gather all of our employees in the same location for a couple of days—call it networking, call it collaboration, call it an excuse to recharge. There was no doubt that the amount of talent and energy that could be shared had the potential to be game-changing for our company and customers.

Full disclosure: there had been flashes of this magic in past meetings with our technical team. We started bringing them together in one location a few years ago, thinking it’d be good to get everyone on the same page.

What we discovered was much bigger.

The impact of putting really bright, energetic, and innovative people in the same room for a few hours would actually create new and better “pages,” ones we hadn’t even considered.


3D Scanning & 3D Printing: A Natural Combination for Increased Productivity

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015


3D Scanning is the art of capturing real geometry by scanning physical products and getting them into a format to be used for diverse applications such as 3D printing, reverse engineering, inspection, and more.

If you think about it, 3D digitizing and additive manufacturing truly go hand-in-hand. So the partnership Creaform announced with Stratasys this summer is an absolute perfect fit.

JoeEngineer Goes 3D

Wednesday, August 5th, 2015

Recently, I wrote about transforming JoeEngineer from a 2D image into a 3D solid model using SOLIDWORKS with Bringing 2D into the Next Dimension.  Although I can create some very nice rendering using PhotoView 360, I wanted something a bit more tangible and set out to print Joe on a variety of our Stratasys 3D printers to create a life-sized head.

Joe’s Hair – Stratasys 250mc

Joe’s hair was not only the hardest to design, but it was also the most time consuming to print and post process. Important pieces to the hair process puzzle included:

3D Printed Girl Scout Cookie

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

Girl Scout SOCAL (1)

Our Santa Ana, CA office was buzzing with fun and giggles last week. We welcomed an Irvine Girl Scout Troop to get an insider’s look at custom design and 3D printers in action. 11 troop members, aged only 8-9yrs old, were all but shy when it came to being an engineer for the day. They excitedly listened to Jeff Jordan, Applications Engineer at GoEngineer, as he walked them through the SOLIDWORKS design steps of creating a custom Girl Scout cookie. They got their design inspiration from a favorite cookie, the Thin Mint, then added the Girl Scout logo for fun.


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