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Posts Tagged ‘Objet’

JoeEngineer Goes 3D

Wednesday, August 5th, 2015

Recently, I wrote about transforming JoeEngineer from a 2D image into a 3D solid model using SOLIDWORKS with Bringing 2D into the Next Dimension.  Although I can create some very nice rendering using PhotoView 360, I wanted something a bit more tangible and set out to print Joe on a variety of our Stratasys 3D printers to create a life-sized head.

Joe’s Hair – Stratasys 250mc

Joe’s hair was not only the hardest to design, but it was also the most time consuming to print and post process. Important pieces to the hair process puzzle included:

SHeLvEd: Behind the Scenes

Monday, October 27th, 2014

This post contains spoilers so be sure to have watched our new 3D printed stop-motion short, SHeLvEd, before reading: SHeLvEd: GoEngineer YouTube

When I was first approached about creating a stop-motion film using 3D printed characters I immediately accepted. “It would be fun,” I thought “…and it will be easy.”
Well the very first thing I learned about filmmaking is that it is not easy. Before I even made it to the technically difficult parts, I was confronted with the surprisingly tough artistic challenges:

  • What is the storyline?
  • Who are the characters and what do they look like?
  • How many explosions should we add?
  • Is the ending happy, sad, confusing, a cliffhanger or all of the above?


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