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Posts Tagged ‘education’

3D Printed Girl Scout Cookie

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

Girl Scout SOCAL (1)

Our Santa Ana, CA office was buzzing with fun and giggles last week. We welcomed an Irvine Girl Scout Troop to get an insider’s look at custom design and 3D printers in action. 11 troop members, aged only 8-9yrs old, were all but shy when it came to being an engineer for the day. They excitedly listened to Jeff Jordan, Applications Engineer at GoEngineer, as he walked them through the SOLIDWORKS design steps of creating a custom Girl Scout cookie. They got their design inspiration from a favorite cookie, the Thin Mint, then added the Girl Scout logo for fun.



Friday, January 30th, 2015

The gap in work force skills in the United States today is becoming alarming.  Our country and industries were built upon the hard work of our parents and grandparents. One of history’s largest generations is exiting the workplace in droves as the Baby-boomers retire.  Over the next 10 years, there will be a huge hole left in our manufacturing and engineering industries.  Many of the skills and knowledge that were taught to the baby boomers are no longer present in our education system – things have changed!


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