3D Printing has a new game-changer. In this recorded webinar, you will learn about the new Stratasys J750 3D Printer, the most advanced plastic 3D printer in the world!

Posts Tagged ‘CAD’
Simulate Everything with the Stratasys J750
Monday, June 20th, 2016Shape Your World
Tuesday, May 17th, 2016Over the last few years, GoEngineer hosted a series of technical events in late spring. During these events, we showcased how our technology platforms work together to produce efficient workflows. Last year’s event was a little different. We packed 12 topics into 6 timeslots for a full day of learning. With over 2100 attendees during the last few events, we want thank you, our client partners, for this huge success!
Shape Your World Is On Its Way!
We are back at it this year with an exciting new project and schedule of topics. Shape Your World is the place where you can explore technology and learn processes from our experts. This is the perfect opportunity to catch-up and collaborate with old friends. You might even find a new one! With 7 time slots available starting at 9AM each day, we allow you to customize your agenda while attending several sessions that best fit your needs.
Top 10 GoEngineer Blog Posts of 2015 – SOLIDWORKS & 3D Printing
Friday, January 1st, 20162015 flew by like a flash! Looking back, we created articles that helped inspire great designs and encourage innovation. Here is a list of top 10 blog posts viewed by readers like you! Stories include quick tips, new features in SOLIDWORKS 2016, 3D printing projects and so much more. Check them out and tell us what you think.
CAD Admin’s Corner – Method of Deployment for Installations; Manual vs. Admin Image
Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015In this issue, we will talk about the main methods of installation deployment; manual vs. an Admin Image. Also included are some key steps, cautionary notes, and advice from a guy that has been down this road many times. Let my mistakes be your successes!
Key Step #1- Determining Which Method of Deployment:
It might seem simple, but deciding on the best method of deployment for your installation is a key step. Typically, the method of deployment is determined by the number of users and their locations.
If you are dealing with a handful of users in the same location, a manual deployment is more than adequate but involves you walking around and touching every workstation.
If you are dealing with 10+ users or multiple locations, then creating an Admin Image is the preferred method.
Welcome SOLIDWORKS 2016 New User Interface – Flat Design
Friday, October 9th, 2015If you have not already installed SOLIDWORKS 2016, you may be in for a surprise that leaves you a little ‘flat.’ At first glance you will think that something just seems odd, and you may even be frustrated that some of the icons are different. But, there is good news!
- SOLIDWORKS is not alone in making these kinds of changes.
- The changes are setting you up for new changes in technology and increased productivity.
A few years ago, with the release of iOS7, Apple completely changed their user interface to something called a flat design. At the time, many bloggers opined on the matter – some loved it, some hated it, and others thought Apple was already behind the times.
CAD Admin’s Corner – Change Management
Wednesday, July 1st, 2015What is change management? And what roll does a CAD Admin play in it?
As most of you know, change management is the method by which we track the changes and traceability of a product. There are different names for this method depending on the company, but they are all in essence meant to do the same task. It is the key to success of any sized company to have a properly documented and efficient change management system in place.
Engineering changes have a few basic steps; first, there is the change request from the field. Second, the change order comes from the engineer to make the change. Next, the design group will make the changes and send it through checking. The final step is the change notice back to the field that it is complete.
In this post I will cover some of the ways that the CAD Admin can help automate and fully digitize this process. No more are the days of printing off reams of paper to get one change all the way through your system. The time of printed drawings and drawings in general, are numbered and becoming a thing of the past. They will join board drawings in the halls of “I can’t believe we use to do it that way.” Most of the products that are named in this post are already available within your SOLIDWORKS Professional and Premium packages.
Computer Numerical Control Basics for Non-Machinists
Tuesday, January 6th, 2015During my travels as a CAMWorks Application Engineer, I’ve instructed many training classes to diverse groups of machinists, designers and engineers. Frequently while teaching, I notice a striking challenge in terms of context for those lacking adequate machine shop experience. This can be difficult during training, considering how much artistry and background is required to skillfully work with CNC machinery. While CNC’s can be unforgiving dangerous machines in the wrong hands; there is really not much magic to understanding the essentials. CNC is similar to driving a car, or more accurately, using a giant 3-Dimensional, computerized Etch-A-Sketch, except with giant spinning blades and twenty horsepower motors.
3D Printing Has Payback for Companies of ALL Sizes
Monday, December 1st, 2014Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Airbus, Northrop Grumman—there is a good chance you recognize all of these names as aerospace and defense powerhouses.
If there is one common trend amongst all of these companies, it is their embracement of 3D printing (3DP) as a legitimate manufacturing tool. Alongside the automotive industry, aerospace and defense industries have been the driving forces behind 3DP’s revolutionary growth.
As it turns out the benefits of 3DP are quite universal so what works for large, multi-national corporations can also work for much smaller widget-makers and everyone in-between.
Playground For Big Kids
Monday, October 27th, 2014In our younger, more impressionable years there seemed to be a mystique surrounding the neighborhood tree house. Whether it was in your backyard or that of your buddy’s, kids just seem to flock to that box. Some were just a collection of repurposed refuse while others were well-planned construction masterpieces. But they all seemed to be consistent in a couple of features; elevation and imagination.
Elevation: I am not sure if that aspect was overcompensation for the height-challenged youth or just because it was super cool to keep something off of the ground. Plus it gave us a reason to create stairs, rope pulls and the ever-coveted fire pole! The elevation also gave us a great way to increase our view of the world.
Imagination: Many kids have spent countless hours dreaming of different worlds. Some were playing knights defending castles of medieval times. Others piloted space ships who were exploring distant planets. Fire trucks, stage coaches and battlegrounds were all envisioned by its occupants. It’s amazing how those small boxes could invoke such an imaginative environment.