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Jessica Skorut
Jessica Skorut
Jessica Skorut is a graduate of the University of Utah and a Marketing Associate for GoEngineer. She helps support several branches integrate the new marketing developments, processes and effective marketing

3D Printed Girl Scout Cookie

May 21st, 2015 by Jessica Skorut

Girl Scout SOCAL (1)

Our Santa Ana, CA office was buzzing with fun and giggles last week. We welcomed an Irvine Girl Scout Troop to get an insider’s look at custom design and 3D printers in action. 11 troop members, aged only 8-9yrs old, were all but shy when it came to being an engineer for the day. They excitedly listened to Jeff Jordan, Applications Engineer at GoEngineer, as he walked them through the SOLIDWORKS design steps of creating a custom Girl Scout cookie. They got their design inspiration from a favorite cookie, the Thin Mint, then added the Girl Scout logo for fun.

They sat in our training room, each at their own computer station. Some could barely see over their monitors to see Jeff’s presenting screen, but they were undeterred. They were engaged and inquisitive about the process.

Then, it was time to send their design to print and head to our 3D Printing Lab! Their Girl Scout cookie design was printed on the uPrint 3D printer with ABS plastic and in 3 different colors. Whatever excitement they felt in the design process was only magnified when they experienced our 3D Printing Lab. They got to see several of our state-of-the-art Stratasys 3D printers in action by literally peering through the glass door as it printed.

Girl Scouts SOCAL (9)Jeff taught them about the different 3D printing technologies, and different printing materials available. He even showed them how to wash the soluble solution off of a finished printed part, teaching them about how a 3D printer treats the negative space in a design.

In spit-fire fashion their questions came at Jeff – all with more enthusiasm than the one before. They each took home a GoEngineer themed goody-bag (including the 3D printed Girl Scout cookie) to remember us by, and hopefully they also took home a spark of interest in the engineering disciplines. Here’s to more #FutureEngineers!

“Our Girl Scout troop, all 3rd graders, were fascinated by the process of creating a 3D Girl Scout Cookie from beginning to end. Thank you for providing such an informative session for our energetic girls. Also, by being able to take home the finished product, the girls have something to show their families and friends. Thank you GoEngineer!” – Denise Holden, Troop Leader

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Categories: 3D Printing, SOLIDWORKS

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