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 Re-Use Your CAD
Jennifer Herron
Jennifer Herron
Jennifer Herron is the owner of Action Engineering, a company that specializes in the promotion, process development, and standardization of a 3D CAD Model-Based Environment. Her career has been spent creating and building complex hardware systems for the aerospace and defense industry, her … More »

Design Assurance – CAD 3D Modeling Handbook

October 14th, 2014 by Jennifer Herron

Are you involved in Design Quality Assurance at your organization? Have you read this book? If not, I encourage you to do so.

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Learn how to create, deliver, and re-use CAD models in compliance with model-based standards. Provides CAD format agnostic techniques for compliance with ASME Y14.41 and MIL-STD-31000A Model-Based Definition (MBD) and Technical Data Packages (TDP). The handbook provides 3D model protocols that enable Model-Based Engineering and Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) that will save time, reduce risk and improve products.

Do you need to educate CAD Designers, Checkers, CAD/PLM Administrators, CAD Super-users and their Managers on how to create 3D models that are used downstream for direct manufacture, technical publications and customer deliverables. Using CAD best practice and modeling rules from relevant MBD and MBE standards, this straightforward handbook will move your organization forward into using, re-using and reaping the benefits of CAD.

  • Provides CAD format agnostic techniques, while still creating in Native CAD, for compliance with ASME Y14.41 and MIL-STD-31000A.

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